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Free IP scanner is a very fast IP scanner and port scanner. It is intended for both system administrators and general users to monitor and manage their networks. Powered with multi-thread scan technology, it can scan hundreds computers per second. It simply pings each IP address to check if it's alive, determines hostname, MAC address, NetBIOS information, scans ports, etc. The information obtained can be exported into a file as plain text file.

Quick Start Guide

Step 1: Run the program

Follow Start > All Programs > Free IP Scanner > Free IP Scanner.
Or just double click the Free IP Scanner icon on your Desktop.

Step 2: Select ip scan range and start scanning
Use two fields of IP Range to enter first and last IP addresses. The last IP address can be less than the first one - there is no problem with translating your input. To begin the scan, press the 'Start Scanning' button. When the program is scanning, this button becomes the 'Stop Scanning' button. Below at the picture there is the main program interface.







Main Menu

Start Scanning: To begin the scan, press the 'Start Scanning' button. When the program is scanning, this button becomes the 'Stop Scanning' button.

Load Custom List: Load information about the scan ip list from a specified file.

Save Custom List: Save the ip address information in the list to a specified file.

Export: Save the scan results to a text file.

Remove Selected Item: Deletes the selected scan result from the list.

Remove All Items: Deletes all scan result from the list.

Add New IP: Add the custom ip to the list to scan. The custom ip list can be saved and loaded for later use.

Copy Start IP: Copy the start ip address to the end ip address box.

Fill IP by Local Host: Fill two  fields of IP Range by using the local machine IP.

Options: Open the options dialog to set.

Show Grid Lines: Select this option if you want gridlines to be displayed in the list.

Open the IP: Click this item if you want to open the selected machine.

Auto Size Columns: Auto size all columns to fit their content.

About: Free IP Scanner's information.

Note: All settings are saved automatically in a separate file (options.ini), so a backup, transfer or upgrade to another version is absolutely no problem.



The software enables the user to configure following options:

IP scan maximum threads: The maximum number of scanning threads.

IP scan timeout: This value determines time (in milliseconds), during which the software will wait for a response from each scanning computer.

Port scan timeout: This is the amount of time in milliseconds the software will wait for a response from the specified port before considering the request as failed.

Only scan IP address: When enabled, the software will not detect other information such as Workgroup name, Host name, User, Mac address.

Display dead hosts: Add non-responding hosts into the results.

Auto refresh to scan: When enabled, the software will start to scan automatically with the preset interval.

Scan port: When enabled, the software will attempt connection to the specified TCP port (you can specify several ports separated by a comma or '-', e.g. 21,22-25,80,110).

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