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Taskbar Hide - hide windows program History


Version 3.3 (2023.12)
Add Features:
Fixed bug 'Out of system' and 'Canvas does not allow'.

Version 3.2 (2022.03)
Add Features:
Bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.1.1 (2020.11)
Add Features:
Fixed the hotkey conflicts.

Version 3.1 (2020.11)
Add Features:
1) Added the 'Win' hotkey.
2) Bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 3.0 (2019.10)
Add Features:
Bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 2.0 (2015.06)
Add Features:
Fixed bug on 64 bit system.

Version 1.8 (2012.11)
Add Features:
Bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 1.6.1 (2010.03)
Add Features:
Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.6 (2009.12)
Add Features:
1) Fixed bug on Windows 7.
2) Add a hotkey to hide the taskbar.

Version 1.5.2 (2008.10)
Add Features:
1) Minor tweaks and fixes.
2) Change registration agents from eMetrix to SWREG.

Version 1.5 (2007.05)
Add Features:
1) Be compatible with Windows Vista.
2) Auto remember to hide system tray icon.
3) Hide "World of Warcraft" game.

Version 1.28.2 (2006.12)
Add Features:
1) Rewrite some code.
2) Change registration agents from Qwerks to eMetrix.

Version 1.28 (2005.07)
Add Features:
1) Change application's title and icon.
2) Add a hotkey to hide the current active window.

Version 1.27 (2005.04)
Add Features:
1) Auto remember to hide any part of taskbar.
Add a hotkey to show self.
Disable Win key when hiding all Taskbar or Start button.

Version 1.26 (2004.11)
Add Features:
1) Support Windows 2003.
Add mouse hotkey to also hide windows. You also can use mouse hotkey to hide the selected windows. Press the left button of mouse, click the right button, then the selected windows will be hidden.

Version 1.25 (2004.10)
Fixed Bug:
1) After reordering the taskbar, "Refresh" action may change the order.
2) HotKey Setting isn't correct sometimes.
Add Features:
1) Maximize or minimize all windows or only IE windows.
2) Automatically maximize all new windows or only new IE windows.
3) Show window property of application, such as window handle, class name, process id etc.
4) Automatically select newly open window.
5) Password verification is needed when click System Tray's icon.
6) Press right button of mouse in application window list, list menu will popup.
Taskbar Hide is shown on taskbar by default.

Version 1.21 (2004.9)
 Interface Change:
1) Add 'Menu' item, Press it, a menu could be popup.
2) Change some pictures item, such as 'Hide', 'Show', 'Close', 'Modify windows Z order', 'Hide taskbar'.

 Bug Fix:
Different region may have different date format and this may lead to a bug to show 'is not a valid date'.

Version 1.20 (2004.7)
Fix some bug and make interface beautiful.
First public release.

Version 1.10 (2004.5)
Add 'Tray' feature.

Version 1.00 (2004.4)
Initial release

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